From early September 2022 onwards, Pete Tyjas’s famous Fly Culture podcast has been hosting a series of takeovers by The Fishtolian: a mission by Pete Coleman-Smith and Jon Ogborne to find wild brown trout in Bristol, inspired by the Trout in the Trym project.
From the series intro:
Bristol would never be the first place that springs to mind when it comes to casting a fly for wild brown trout. When Pete and Jon discovered their humble local stream was home to them it led to the question – where else in the city might they be?
The Fishtolian documents their search throughout the rivers and streams of Bristol for more trout and what else they discovered along the way…
Update: all 4 episodes have now been released at 2-weekly intervals, and we’ve posted the links below to make them even easier for Urbantrout readers to find:
- Episode 1: The Trym
- Episode 2: The South Bristol Streams
- Episode 3: The Bristol Frome
- Episode 4: The Bristol Avon
So… listen up, y’all… and follow Pete’s and Jon’s adventures into parts of Bristol that even its residents rarely see. We’ve loved this mission from start to finish…
Artwork: The Fishtolian / Danny Jenkins