INNS Mapper: A new app for tackling invasive species in England, Wales and Scotland

As most experienced river restorationists know all too well, effectively tackling invasive non-native species (INNS) means knowing exactly where they are in the first place…

… and that’s why we’re so stoked to see the new INNS Mapper app now available to download from Google Play and the Apple Store.

For several years since the previously-excellent PlantTracker app fell over, citizen scientists have been making do with iNaturalist and other apps – which allow lots of different species to be logged but don’t focus on INNS.

Now, INNS Mapper has taken data previously collected by PlantTracker, and rebooted it with extra options to report sightings and management of 62 different INNS, including invertebrates and mammals as well as aquatic and terrestrial plant species, across England, Wales and Scotland.

All details and links are here on the INNS Mapper website: grab this great new citizen science app today, and fight back against INNS even more effectively from now on!

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