Archive for the tag 'Pollution'

Afonydd Cymru: Rivers of the Month

Readers of this blog and Trout in Dirty Places (not to mention also the Fishing in Wales website, administered by our good friend Ceri Thomas) will probably have no doubts about the merits of Wales as a fishing destination… … and now we’ve just noticed another fascinating resource that’s well worth your attention. Tucked away […]

Film night: Trout and tribulations

Complete with footage from this week’s River Festival and Summit at Morden Hall on the Wandle, this new video from the one and only Amie Battams is firmly tongue-in-cheek as we’ve come to expect… … but it also carries an incredibly important message about all our rivers for everyone who’s looking after them (or should […]

Film night: The Wandle at risk

 One way and another, south London’s River Wandle never seems to be far from the news, but it’s been accumulating stories at impressive pace in the last few weeks. Maybe the biggest headlines landed (for instance, in the Sun and Angling Times) when local angler Hector Rodriguez unexpectedly struck into a spawned-out salmon kelt […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 10 April

Vote today! The Wild Trout Trust’s Snake Lane urban weir removal project reaches the final 5 of this year’s Dam Removal Europe Awards Scenes from the Wandle: Extinction Rebellion declares the river a crime scene… … while the Wandle Piscators urban fishing club takes on the angling lease at Morden Hall Park Better Becks in […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 16 January

(Un)build it and they will come! How a Wild Trout Trust urban weir removal project is bringing salmon back to Derbyshire’s River Ecclesbourne Championing the rights of rivers on east London’s urban Roding: Paul Powlesland speaks out in the Guardian Reclaiming the Don and Sheaf in Sheffield: an interview with Simon Ogden £1.6m fine for […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 17 January

Want to hatch mayflies in your classroom? The Wild Trout Trust launches an excitingly updated creative science kit… … while Bristol Avon Rivers Trust has been hard at work engaging communities in the Marden valley around Calne Urban rewilding: the Guardian’s view of nature taking over (with bonus link to George Monbiot writing about Trout […]

Pic of the day: Riverfly monitoring with a TWIST

Thanks to lots of enthusiasm from local volunteers, Somerset’s urban rivers now have a new cohort of qualified riverfly monitors to look after them. Click through to this report on the Wild Trout Trust website to find out more, and how to get involved in the exciting new TWIST (Transforming Waterways In Somerset Towns) project…

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 11 January

SUNRISE creates an urban oasis in Stoke-on-Trent Wandering along the Wandle: recent articles in the Guardian and Times How the forthcoming Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill aims to tackle sewage pollution, after water companies dumped raw sewage into Britain’s rivers 200,000 times in 2019 Catch and kill? How city streets trap and poison fish… and what […]

Urbantrout sidecasts: Monday 29 June

Lockdown litter from London to Derbyshire: a shocking new source of microplastics for the environment… … and what about tyre fragments from the roads? Transforming the Darent in Dartford: how SERT is restoring another urban chalkstream SUNRISE on the Trent: sometimes moving a river 500m sideways is the only way to restore it! Don Catchment […]

Pic of the day: Tunnel vision on the Irwell

One of the recurring bonus features of urban fishing is being able to get up close and personal with post-industrial pieces of architecture that few other people ever manage to see… This year, the Urbantrout team kicked off the trout fishing season on Manchester’s rivers, for the first time in several years. A mere few […]

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