Archive for the tag 'People'

Film night: Trout and tribulations

Complete with footage from this week’s River Festival and Summit at Morden Hall on the Wandle, this new video from the one and only Amie Battams is firmly tongue-in-cheek as we’ve come to expect… … but it also carries an incredibly important message about all our rivers for everyone who’s looking after them (or should […]

Fly Culture: Nick Thomas finds wildness on the Taff

Behind the frankly stunning cover image from AD Maddox, the latest issue of Pete Tyjas’s Fly Culture magazine contains the usual rich mix of writing and photography… … Dan Osmond’s right to roam on Dartmoor, Ben Jailler braving ‘The Silence of the Lagg’, Adrian Grose-Hodge interviewing Bob DeMott, Jon Brett-Harris taking riverside walks… … and […]

The UK River Summit 2024 comes to the Wandle!

Following the success of three River Festivals and Summits in 2022 and 2023, and amid growing public concern about the state of our waterways, our good friend Claire Zambuni’s exciting new river collaboration event is back again in 2024… and it’s bigger and more ambitious than ever. For an occasion that’s intended to bring diverse […]

Film night: The Wandle at risk

 One way and another, south London’s River Wandle never seems to be far from the news, but it’s been accumulating stories at impressive pace in the last few weeks. Maybe the biggest headlines landed (for instance, in the Sun and Angling Times) when local angler Hector Rodriguez unexpectedly struck into a spawned-out salmon kelt […]

Film night: Lady of the Stream

We’ve spoken before (see here, here and here) about the egalitarian, accessible nature of urban rivers, and how they seem to attract talented, adventurous women to their banks… … so now it’s time to welcome another one, Ellie Reeves, filmed by Tim Pottage aka Tim James, as she deftly tackles a stretch of free grayling […]

Film night: Wild is Where You Find It

As we roll slowly towards the close of the year, it’s natural to look back at the fishing season and maybe even feel a bit contemplative. And this time round the sun, we’ve seen no better tribute to the last 12 months on the water than this new film from Nick Thomas. Nick will already […]

The Wild Trout Trust charity auction 2022: Back, bigger and badder than ever!

The Wild Trout Trust’s annual auction is back, and this year it’s bigger than ever before, with no less than 366 lots to choose from. One of the gnarliest challenges for any charity is raising long-term core funds which aren’t tightly tied to delivery of very specific short-term projects – and that’s why this fundraising […]

Trout & Salmon explores the Yorkshire Calder

Sowerby Bridge might be familiar to you as the the setting for the BBC’s Happy Valley crime drama. It’s also the hometown of Phillippa Hake… one of the new generation of fly-fishers who has taken full advantage of the information age, rapidly ascending the learning curve to become an excellent angler in a relatively short […]

Pic of the day: Riverfly monitoring with a TWIST

Thanks to lots of enthusiasm from local volunteers, Somerset’s urban rivers now have a new cohort of qualified riverfly monitors to look after them. Click through to this report on the Wild Trout Trust website to find out more, and how to get involved in the exciting new TWIST (Transforming Waterways In Somerset Towns) project…

Pic of the day: Throwback to the Calder

While our longer-range urban destination fishing is still off the cards (and most of our rivers have recently been blown out by rain and snowmelt anyway) … … here’s a little throwback to fishing the urban Calder in West Yorkshire with the Trout in Dirty Places crew in the freezing winter of 2010. Now that […]

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