Archive for the tag 'Films'

Film night: Trout and tribulations

Complete with footage from this week’s River Festival and Summit at Morden Hall on the Wandle, this new video from the one and only Amie Battams is firmly tongue-in-cheek as we’ve come to expect… … but it also carries an incredibly important message about all our rivers for everyone who’s looking after them (or should […]

Film night: The Wandle at risk

 One way and another, south London’s River Wandle never seems to be far from the news, but it’s been accumulating stories at impressive pace in the last few weeks. Maybe the biggest headlines landed (for instance, in the Sun and Angling Times) when local angler Hector Rodriguez unexpectedly struck into a spawned-out salmon kelt […]

Film night: Reviving the River Irk with Mike Duddy

Our urban warrior brother-in-arms Mike Duddy has just announced his well-earned retirement from Mersey Rivers Trust, after 13 years which saw him progress from volunteering with its predecessor Mersey Basin Rivers Trust (and heading up Salford Friendly Anglers) to full-time employment with the Trust in several senior roles. To celebrate Mike’s time with MRT, we’re […]

Film night: Fera’s Trout Bum on the Wandle

Outdoor clothing and experience brand Fera have just marked the start of the trout season by launching their new Trout Bum (‘from street to stream’) capsule collection on the Wandle… … with an atmospheric shoot and edit by Patrick Tillard that nicely captures the edgeland beauty of the Hackbridge stretch of the river (restored so […]

Film night: Lady of the Stream

We’ve spoken before (see here, here and here) about the egalitarian, accessible nature of urban rivers, and how they seem to attract talented, adventurous women to their banks… … so now it’s time to welcome another one, Ellie Reeves, filmed by Tim Pottage aka Tim James, as she deftly tackles a stretch of free grayling […]

Film night: Wild is Where You Find It

As we roll slowly towards the close of the year, it’s natural to look back at the fishing season and maybe even feel a bit contemplative. And this time round the sun, we’ve seen no better tribute to the last 12 months on the water than this new film from Nick Thomas. Nick will already […]

Film night: Maybe it’s because I’m a Londoner…

Fly-fishing is a sport where women are known to excel – the record for the largest UK salmon is still held by Georgina Ballantine! – yet it’s still comparatively rare to see women on the bank. Thankfully, there’s something about the egalitarian nature of urban fishing that seems to attract amazing women to the riverside: […]

Film night: River Trent transformation

The SUNRISE project has featured on Urbantrout before… but not for a while, so we’re pretty stoked to see this update from the studio of Dr Paul Gaskell (himself involved in the project as the Wild Trout Trust’s Trout in the Town officer for the north of England). Funded by the EU’s European Regional Development […]

Film night: Fly-fishing on a London chalkstream

Tim James says he never really meant to become a video editor, but after his pal Matthew Pease shot a few rolls of film documenting an after-work fishing trip, and didn’t have time to slice it and splice it all together, he grabbed the footage himself and set to work… And here’s the most excellent […]

Film night: Urban trout – not surprise, but expectation?

If you managed to attend the Wild Trout Trust’s Virtual Get Together in September this year, you might have seen this video as part of the Trout in the Town update… … but even if you did, we reckon you’ll enjoy spending ten minutes watching it for a second time. Back in the depths of […]

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